I've emerged! Oh geeze. I feel like I've been in a sort of hole. Life around our house has been making some annual and some surprise adjustments, I shall not elaborate on those but I can say the AH-HA! moment has happen for myself in the way of fiber ability. Crocheting has been a demon sitting on my shoulder taunting me for the past couple of years. Intimidating my understanding beyond what my brain felt like it could handle. I read knitting - I GET knitting. But..... when crocheting my stitches were too
Here it is. My first big "crocheting" project. Bonus....I have until December to finish. THIS will be a stress free project.
So today is one of the most relaxing day of our first week of summer. The rain is soothing and it's been a sea of pancakes, eggs, and biscuits and gravy with some legos, lincoln logs, and a bit of yarn zip-line from Holden's room down the hallway.
We always have to keep a close eye on the little dog as plastic seems to be a staple part of her day. She is improving the older she gets. Mogwai is now just over a year old. Here she is in her summer haircut.
I hope everyone is enjoying there day. I'll have some Free patterns up this coming week.